English Language Learner Information

Delran Township School District receives Federal Title III and Title III Immigrant funds to support our English language learners with instruction and programming. 

Identified English language learners are required to take the ACCESS test in the spring in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 

Parents/guardians should call or email their child's principal or ESL teacher if they have any questions or need additional information about the program.  A letter is sent home in September with information regarding your child's placement. 

The district hosts ESL District Parent Advisory/Engagement Nights to gather feedback about our programs but we encourage you to reach out with any feedback you may have throughout the year to your child's principal or ESL teacher.   

10/10/2023 Presentation

Parent Advisory Committee Surveys

The following surveys will help the district guide our efforts to support our multilingual students. Please note the survey links are active for one week following the committee meeting for parents and guardians to complete at their convenience.

Pesquisa de Orientação aos Pais de ESL do Distrito Escolar de Delran Township
Delran Township School District ESL Parent Advisory Survey

Delran Township Okul Bölgesi ESL Veli Danışma Anketi

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